
143 Expert Conversations

    143 Expert Conversations
    Career lessons: 'Learn about disease well and stick to your guns’. Dialysis - early or not? 20
    You must get treatment for hypertension and atherosclerosis. How to improve your health? 17
    Small doses of several drugs decrease side effects and keep the benefits Polypill. Part 3. 14
    When can breast cancer be considered cured? Is cure possible for breast cancer? 5
    Multiple myeloma. Message of hope for cancer treatment and for life. 14
    ‘Mentorship is crucial for successful medical career’. Prof. Scott L. Friedman. 18
    Lessons from COVID-19 pandemic. Right and wrong predictions. 18
    Pediatric rheumatic disease treatment. ‘Reverse the pyramid’ when choosing treatment. 14
    Wisdom of top spine surgeon: Do what you love, but don’t lose sight of your family! 16
    Stem cells in spinal cord injury and ALS treatment. How to avoid charlatans? 13
    How to find the best spine surgeon? How to assess results of spine surgery? 4
    No doctor should be offended if a patient seeks expert opinion!
    COVID-19 pandemic was an amplifier of good and bad.” Integrity in 
clinical trials. 12
    Fraud and misconduct in research. Top drug and vaccine analysis expert explains. 11
    Patients spend 2 years and $150K to get the right diagnosis after feeling short of breath.
    Cancer surgery failures and challenges. Ovarian cancer. Eminent cancer surgeon.
    Alzheimer's disease and dementia. How to decrease your risk? Eminent immunologist.
    People can take control of their lives, if they choose to. Eminent nutrition expert.
    For a surgeon, knowledge is more important than experience. Leading cancer surgeon.
    Why hypertension is still a problem? Stories of two patients. Good and Bad outcomes.
    Eminent neurosurgeon shares wisdom on brain aneurysm treatment.
    How to avoid mistakes when you have a medical problem? Eminent oncologist shares wisdom
    Hoe de bloeddruk op de beste manier meten? Kantoor versus thuis versus 24-uurs monitor. 6
    Behandeldoelen voor hypertensie: elke millimeter bloeddruk telt! 4
    Vraag een second opinion aan bij een klinisch arts of chirurg. Niet van een radioloog. 15
    Waarom maar weinig artsen in opleiding interne geneeskunde huisarts worden. 5
    Het beste werkschema voor artsen in opleiding. 3
    Hoe word je een echte mentor in de geneeskunde? Zoek uit wat de mentee wil doen. 1
    Mentor - Stagiair relatie in de chirurgie. Wat het betekent voor millennial chirurgische bewoners? 7
    Behandeling van uitgezaaide peritoneale kanker. "De toekomst is grenzeloos". 12
    Hoe train je de beste hartchirurgen? Prominente hartchirurg en opvoeder deelt wijsheid. 9
    CABG of stenting? De beste dokter heeft beide vaardigheden! Topchirurg deelt wijsheid. 2
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