Clinical case. Examine urine sediment under microscope. Important diagnostic test. 19

Clinical case. Examine urine sediment under microscope. Important diagnostic test. 19

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Clinical case. Examine urine sediment under microscope. Important diagnostic test. 19
Patient’s story. Heart failure and exercise. 18
Patient’s story. Metastatic esophageal cancer. Success of double neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 12
Multiple myeloma. Patient’s story: elderly woman and ‘last hope’ CAR T-cell therapy. 13
Patient’s story. Cytokine storm. Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis. 17
Mesothelioma. Clinical case. Example of importance of enrollment into clinical trials. 11
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Verfijn uw behandelplan tot in de puntjes door een panel van 3 tot 10+ topartsen die perfect bij u passen.

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